Research of organizational and economic mechanisms of sustainable development of processing industries of the agro-industrial complex through the prism of the best practices of state support in the Russian Federation


  • Mikhail E. Razudimov Russian State University of Social Technologies


organizational and economic mechanisms, sustainable development, processing industries, agro-industrial complex, government support.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the organizational and economic mechanisms that ensure the sustainable development of the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) based on the best practices of state support in the Russian Federation. The need for research is due to the importance of the processing sector for the country's economy, as well as its dependence on effective government policies and support mechanisms. The paper uses methods of systematic and comparative analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, as well as empirical data on the performance of processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex in various regions of the Russian Federation. To assess the effectiveness of state support, an analysis of the regulatory framework was carried out, as well as government programs aimed at stimulating the sustainable development of processing industries were evaluated. The study revealed that the sustainable development of agro-industrial processing industries directly depends on the introduction of complex organizational and economic mechanisms, which include government subsidies, tax incentives, measures to support innovative technologies in the processing of agricultural products. Among the best practices, programs aimed at developing regional cooperation, upgrading production facilities and promoting green technologies were highlighted. The results obtained confirm the existence of a significant dependence of the sustainable development of the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex on government support. The authors propose appropriate ways to further improve organizational and economic mechanisms, including increasing transparency of public policy, adapting support programs to regional specifics, as well as strengthening measures aimed at introducing innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Further development of systems for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of state support in this area is recommended.


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How to Cite

Razudimov, M. E. (2024). Research of organizational and economic mechanisms of sustainable development of processing industries of the agro-industrial complex through the prism of the best practices of state support in the Russian Federation. Environmental Management Issues, 3(4), 30–38. Retrieved from

