Attracting investments in the construction and development of office, warehouse and production complexes


  • Alexey V. Kotelva ALANT LLC


investments, construction, development, office and warehouse, production complexes


The construction and redevelopment of office, warehouse and production complexes is an important part of infrastructure and economic development. These types of real estate play a key role in business processes, providing appropriate conditions for storage, production and office activities. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for such facilities, which creates favorable conditions for attracting investment. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main strategies and methods of attracting investments in this real estate sector. This article uses methods of quantitative and qualitative data analysis, including market analysis, the study of legislative aspects, as well as interviews with experts in the field of real estate and investments. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the problem under consideration, we also used a comparative analysis of successful investment projects in other countries. The results of the study show that the successful attraction of investments in office, warehouse and production complexes depends on a combination of various factors. Among them are a favorable legislative framework, the strategic location of facilities, the availability of infrastructure and a steady demand for this kind of real estate. One of the key findings was that successful investment projects often involve public-private partnerships and the use of modern technologies such as automation and digitalization of processes. Based on the data obtained, the article discusses possible strategies for improving the investment climate in the field of office, warehouse and industrial complexes. The importance of creating attractive conditions for investors, including tax incentives, subsidies and transparent rules of the game, is emphasized. The risks and barriers that investors may face in this industry are also considered, and ways to minimize them are proposed. Attracting investments in the construction and redevelopment of office, warehouse and production complexes requires an integrated approach that includes both market mechanisms and government support. Well-implemented investment projects can not only meet the growing demand for such facilities, but also stimulate the economic development of the region as a whole.


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How to Cite

Kotelva, A. V. (2024). Attracting investments in the construction and development of office, warehouse and production complexes. Environmental Management Issues, 3(4), 48–57. Retrieved from

