The importance of cluster policy in stimulating innovation in the industry of the Voronezh Region


  • Platon A. Fadeev Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Voronezh Branch


cluster policy, innovation promotion, industry, Voronezh region, development.


In the context of increasing global competitiveness and technological changes, the introduction of mechanisms to support innovation activity is becoming an important condition for sustainable socio-economic development of regions. The Voronezh Region, having significant industrial potential, faces the need to improve mechanisms for stimulating innovation, one of which is the cluster policy. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of cluster policy on stimulating innovative processes in the industry of the Voronezh Region and identify its key mechanisms and results at the regional level. The work uses methods of economic analysis and statistical data processing, as well as expert assessments of representatives of key enterprises in the region. The regulatory documents related to the implementation of cluster policy and the data provided by the Voronezh Region on innovative projects and the development of industrial clusters are analyzed. The study shows that the implementation of cluster policy has contributed to strengthening cooperation between enterprises, scientific organizations and government structures in the region. This has led to an increase in the number of innovative projects in key industries. Of particular importance are the scientific and industrial clusters created, focused on the development of high-tech products, and the support of small and medium-sized enterprises within the framework of cluster initiatives. The results of the study confirm that the implementation of cluster policy plays an important role in stimulating innovation in the industrial sector of the Voronezh Region. However, further growth of innovation activity requires increased coordination between cluster participants, the development of innovation support infrastructure and increased funding from regional and federal programs.


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How to Cite

Fadeev, P. A. (2024). The importance of cluster policy in stimulating innovation in the industry of the Voronezh Region. Environmental Management Issues, 3(5), 42–50. Retrieved from

