Development of innovative methods for assessing the financial stability of Russian oil and gas companies, taking into account the requirements of ESG standards
financial stability, oil and gas companies, ESG standards, innovative methods, assessment.Abstract
In the context of increasing attention to environmental, social and managerial (ESG) factors, the issue of business sustainability, including financial sustainability, is becoming critically important for the Russian oil and gas industry. This article discusses the development of innovative methods for assessing the financial stability of Russian oil and gas companies, taking into account the requirements of ESG standards. The beginning of the integration of ESG standards into the Russian corporate sector requires a revision of traditional approaches to assessing the financial stability of companies. The task of improving such approaches is especially relevant for oil and gas companies, which are significantly affected by geopolitical, climatic and market factors. This study is aimed at developing a new methodological approach that will allow taking into account ESG risks and opportunities when assessing financial stability. The work uses methods of complex analysis, including a combination of traditional financial ratios and the integration of specific ESG indicators. The study also uses statistical and econometric models to assess the impact of ESG factors on the financial performance of companies. Additionally, empirical studies were conducted on a sample of several of the largest Russian oil and gas companies. The results obtained demonstrate that taking into account ESG factors significantly changes traditional indicators of financial stability. In particular, companies with higher ESG metrics show better adaptation to external challenges and a lower level of financial risks. Thus, an integrated approach to assessing financial stability, taking into account ESG standards, allows for a more accurate and holistic picture. The developed methodology allows Russian oil and gas companies to integrate ESG standards more effectively into their management practices, thereby strengthening their long-term financial stability and market position. This, in turn, contributes to the sustainable development of not only individual companies, but also the entire industry as a whole.
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