Features of designing corporate innovation systems in modern Russian industrial companies


  • Alexander V. Smirnov Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


research institutes, intellectual resources, innovations, methods


In the context of a globalized market and increasing competition, corporate innovation systems become a key element for ensuring sustainable development of industrial companies, especially in Russia. Modern Russian industrial companies face a number of unique challenges when designing and implementing such systems, requiring the adaptation of advanced practices to the specific conditions of Russian markets and the economy. This article uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews with heads of innovation departments of various Russian industrial companies. Secondary data were obtained from the analysis of existing scientific publications and reports on corporate innovations. Methods of statistical analysis and comparative studies were used for data analysis. The research results revealed that one of the key features of designing corporate innovation systems in Russian industrial companies is the need to integrate innovative approaches into existing production processes. In addition, the adaptation of international experience to local conditions plays an important role, requiring the development of unique strategies and mechanisms. Our studies also showed that an effective corporate innovation system requires close interaction between various company departments, as well as active involvement of external partners and resources. The obtained results emphasize the importance of developing and implementing flexible and adaptive models of corporate innovation systems capable of promptly responding to changes in the external and internal environment of the company. It is also important to consider the cultural, economic, and organizational features of the Russian context, which may require additional resources and time. Governmental and legal aspects also play a significant role, either facilitating or hindering the development of innovative activities. The article is an important contribution to understanding the features of designing corporate innovation systems in Russian industrial companies. The practical recommendations proposed in the study can be useful for managers and specialists involved in the development and implementation of innovation processes, as well as for further academic research in this field.


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How to Cite

Smirnov, A. V. (2024). Features of designing corporate innovation systems in modern Russian industrial companies. Environmental Management Issues, 3(3), 90–99. Retrieved from https://etreview.ru/index.php/et/article/view/10




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