Administrative and legal regulation of migration processes in Russia


  • Evgeny O. Krasnoperov V.Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


territories, rules, regulation, relations, migration flows


This part of the article focuses on the relevance of the topic of migration in modern society, especially considering globalization and the increasing scale of international movements. The author points out the need to develop effective mechanisms for regulating migration processes to ensure national security and socio-economic development of the country. The main goal of the article is to analyze the existing administrative and legal regulation of migration in Russia and to propose recommendations for its improvement. The section describes the methodological approaches used by the author to conduct the study. The main methods include the analysis of normative legal acts, statistical data, as well as a comparative legal analysis of the migration legislation of other countries. The author uses methods of systematic and structural analysis to identify shortcomings and positive aspects of current regulation. In this section, the author presents the results of the analysis conducted. Key legislative acts regulating migration processes in Russia are described, such as the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation", as well as by-laws and international agreements. The main problems faced by migrants and state bodies in the process of implementing migration policy are identified, including bureaucracy, the imperfection of legal norms, and the lack of interdepartmental interaction. The author discusses the results obtained and their significance for the theory and practice of migration regulation. The need for a comprehensive approach to improving migration policy is noted, including simplifying procedures for obtaining permits for temporary stay and work, strengthening control over compliance with migration legislation, and enhancing international cooperation in this area. Specific recommendations are proposed for improving the administrative and legal regulation of migration processes in Russia. Thus, the article is a comprehensive study of the administrative and legal regulation of migration processes in the Russian Federation and suggests ways to improve this area of legislation.


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How to Cite

Krasnoperov, E. O. (2024). Administrative and legal regulation of migration processes in Russia. Environmental Management Issues, 3(3), 126–136. Retrieved from