Administrative and legal regulation of forced migration in the Russian Federation in modern times


  • Evgeny O. Krasnoperov V.Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


responsibility, framework, refugees, protection, social groups


The introduction focuses on the relevance of the study of forced migration, which represents a serious problem for many countries, including Russia. Forced migration is often associated with a number of factors, including political, economic, and social ones. The author raises the question of how effectively the existing administrative and legal mechanisms in the Russian Federation cope with this problem. The "Methods" section describes the research approaches used, including the analysis of regulatory legal acts, statistical data, and a review of scientific literature on the topic. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of legislative acts regulating the rights and obligations of forced migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the role of various state bodies in the regulation process. The methods included both qualitative and quantitative research, which allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of the issue under consideration. As a result of the study, it was found that despite the presence of a fairly developed legal framework, there are significant gaps and shortcomings in the legislation and its application in practice. In particular, the author notes problems with the integration of forced migrants into local communities, insufficient funding for assistance programs, as well as bureaucratic obstacles that hinder access to legal protection. In the "Discussion" section, the author analyzes the obtained results in the context of global trends in migration regulation. Recommendations are presented for improving the regulatory framework and measures are proposed to improve the practical implementation of administrative and legal regulation in the field of forced migration. The main attention is paid to the need for a comprehensive approach, including cooperation between various governmental and non-governmental organizations. The article concludes with the finding that effective regulation of forced migration in Russia requires both legislative reforms and the strengthening of practical work with migrants on the ground.


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How to Cite

Krasnoperov, E. O. (2024). Administrative and legal regulation of forced migration in the Russian Federation in modern times. Environmental Management Issues, 3(3), 79–89. Retrieved from




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